The Disney Way

Typically, I have a 40 minute drive to and from work.

For most people, that sounds dreadful, but for me it’s not bad. I have become addicted to audiobooks. I will go through about 4 books a month.

I really like listening to biographies and right now I’m listening to Walt Disney’s life story.

Walt Disney was a very difficult and demanding person to work for. He pushed his animators to be the best. His drive to produce the best animation, drew people to him that had that same mindset and drive.

One of the things that stood out with me the most was how after a full day of work, Disney and his animators would stay on the studio grounds.

They would take art classes from world renowned artists.
They were striving to make their cartoons more life-like and wanted to improve each and every day.

I definitely resonated with that part of the book. Myself and all of my referring doctors have that same mentality. I believe that learning is a never-ending journey. It keeps the idea of practicing dentistry fun.

Every month, myself and 10 other dentists and specialists, have a study group. We will have a topic that we discuss and talk about different ways of treating those scenarios.

We all learn from each other. I’ve been in a study group since I graduated dental school and I'll be in one for as long as I’m practicing dentistry.

Our entire team at Dente have that mindset. They love getting better at their craft to provide a better service to our patients.

Our team at Dente has over 20 years of experience and will always keep learning to get better each and every day.

If you are looking for an experienced dental office, please visit us at or call 773-292-1911 to schedule your appointment today!

Floss Like a Madman!

Emilio "Work Hard, Play Hard" Couret

Meet Dr. Couret

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